Minced garlic for cooking in a spoon
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How To Mince Garlic: Easy Recipe

Mincing garlic has never been so easy.
Prep Time2 mins
Course: Condiment
Keyword: peel garlic, mince garlic
Appliance: Chef's knife, Garlic Press, Microplane
Servings: 1 tablespoon
Author: Jinal Gangar



Using a Chef's Knife

  • Lay each individual clove on a cutting board and smash them with the flat side of your knife. This will cause the garlic clove to burst out.
    Minced garlic on a cutting board on a background of chef knife
  • Now that the cloves have been smashed, gather them into a pile. You can chop them finely, using a rocking motion with a sharp chef's knife.
  • You can use this minced garlic in recipes like dressings and sauces. 
    Minced garlic for cooking in a spoon

Using a Garlic Press

  • Take the peeled garlic cloves and place them in the garlic press. 
  • Press it so that the garlic is forced through the holes. Empty the pressed garlic in a bowl and use it in your recipes. 

Using a Grater

  • If you are not able to mince the garlic finely, a microplane is a great option.
  • Take a clove and grate the garlic like you would grate cheese. This is a simple way to use garlic in your dishes.


The finer you chop garlic, the more flavor it releases. So, make sure to mince it accordingly.
If possible, mince the garlic when you want to use it. Longer cut garlic tends to grow more pungent and harsh in taste.
If you are not sure how many garlic cloves to use for the desired amount of minced garlic, note that three to four medium cloves may give you about one tablespoon of minced garlic. This may help you pick the right quantity of garlic.