A small glass filled with lemon juice
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How To Make Lemon Juice

Lemon juice has amazing health benefits!
Cook Time5 mins
Total Time5 mins
Course: Beverage
Cuisine: Indian
Keyword: lemon juice
Appliance: Refrigerator, Juicer, Microwave
Servings: 1 cup


  • 1 lemon
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tspn sugar (optional)


  • Cut the lemon lengthwise to extract the maximum juice.
  • There are different ways you can juice a lemon. You can use a lemon squeezer or a hand-held juice press to juice the lemon. Otherwise, you can juice the lemon the old-fashioned way with a fork. Make sure you do this over a strainer to catch the bitter lemon seeds.
    A small glass filled with lemon juice
  • Add a cup of water and mix well. Your lemon juice is ready!
  • If you want to sweeten your lemon juice, you can add sugar or honey as per taste. Adding a pinch of salt to the juice helps to heighten the sour flavor of the fresh juice.
    Glass jar filled with lemon juice with lemons and lemon leaf on a wooden table


If you want to extract the maximum juice from a lemon, you can choose a heavy lemon and slightly roll it under your palm on a counter to loosen the fruit. You can also stick it in a microwave for 20 seconds just before juicing it to make it softer.