It is natural to worry about the amount of sugar in pineapple since this is such a delicious and sweet treat, but there are many benefits to this fruit as well.
Sugar in Pineapple
While the sugar in pineapple is a natural form, it still comes in rather high quantities, providing the wonderful taste that so many people enjoy. For most people, however, the sugar in pineapple can simply be added to their normal daily intake, provided that sugar doesn’t represent more than 10-12% of their daily calorie intake.
For people who are diabetic, consuming too much sugar can cause spikes and drops in their blood sugar, due to their inability to properly make or utilize insulin. Pineapple is not a no-no for people with diabetes, and it can be part of their diet if it is monitored for sugar and carbohydrate intake. The American Diabetes Association recommends that people with diabetes or prediabetes should consult an expert, like an RDN, to get diabetes self-management education. [1]
Not all forms of pineapple will have the same amount of sugar, so it makes a difference whether you are eating dried, canned, or fresh pineapple.

Pineapple juice gives your morning a refreshing kick. Photo Credit: Shutterstock
The fresh form of pineapple actually has the lowest amount of sugar, at roughly 16.25 grams of sugar per cup (165g). This amount of sugar equates to approximately 63 calories. Fresh pineapple also has the fewest additives and other substances you may want to avoid. [2]
Canned pineapple has far more sugar than the fresh variety, as it is commonly stored in sugary and enriched syrup to increase sweetness. According to the USDA National Nutrient Database, a single cup of canned pineapple has approximately 32 grams of sugar. [3]
Dried pineapple is a sweet treat, but it is packed with sugar. Branded dried pineapple vary in the amount of sugar and additive they have, but it could go as high as 77.5 grams of sugar for 100 grams of dried pineapple. [4]