Some of the most effective home remedies for the treatment of intestinal worms include the use of garlic, pomegranate, bamboo, pumpkin, turmeric, carom seeds, coconut, neem, wormwood, hyssop, and carrot, among many others.
Home Remedies for Intestinal Worms
Home remedies for intestinal worms include:
There are certain vitamins, minerals, and organic compounds that are deadly for the eggs of intestinal worms, and carrots happen to contain many of these. The high concentrations of vitamin C, beta-carotene, and vitamin A found in carrots presents a formidable problem for intestinal worms. Vitamin A can kill the eggs of intestinal worms, while vitamin C boosts the immune system, which can further fight this parasitic infection. [1]

2D illustration of intestinal worms Photo Credit: Shutterstock
This is one of the most easily accessible and widespread home remedies for intestinal worms. By drinking a small amount of concentrated coconut juice every morning, you can effectively boost your antioxidant and nutrient levels enough to seek out and destroy those foul worms in your gut. [2]
Although this is most commonly seem in India, neem is widely known as a cure-all for countless different conditions, and it is particularly effective against parasitic worms. There are certain anti-parasitic components found in neem that can quickly dispatch worms and get your stomach back to normal. Furthermore, whenever parasites die, they leave behind foul toxins that can also cause illness; neem is able to detoxify the body and clear out these dangerous substances! [3]
This is one substance that seems to make it into every list of home remedies, but there is a very good reason for that. Garlic contains various sulfuric compounds that are very unpleasant for parasitic worms to consume, even leading to their demise. By dealing with some bad breath for a week or two and adding garlic to every meal, you can significantly lower the impact of intestinal worms and treat them yourself! [4]
This is one home remedy that has been in use for centuries. Unripe papaya has a very high concentration of an enzyme called papain, which has demonstrated anthelmintic properties, which means that they can naturally eliminate intestinal worms. Furthermore, papaya’s other organic components can help to expel the toxins left behind. [5]
Carom Seeds
If you chew carom seeds as a home remedy for intestinal worms, you are able to take advantage of thymol, the active ingredient in the seeds that can prevent the replication of the worms in your gut; more specifically, it can kill the eggs that these worms lay, meaning that your infection will be unable to spread.
While this may not be the most well-known home remedy for intestinal worms, pumpkin seeds contain a powerful chemical called cucurbitacin, which can paralyze and effectively destroy them by forcing them to be expelled from the gut. If you want to avoid a costly surgery or a painful treatment protocol, popping a few handfuls of pumpkin seeds every day can be an effective way to eliminate the parasitic infection. [6]
Like many of these other food choices as home remedies, pomegranate leaves and fruit are high in anthelmintic compounds, namely punitive, which are deadly to many varieties of parasitic worms. This is one of the oldest and most trusted home remedies for this type of infection. [7]
Most people only associate bamboo with the beautiful black-and-white beasts that eat it, but if you make a decoction from the leaves of bamboo, you can drink this regularly for relief from intestinal worms. Some of the volatile components in bamboo leaves are deadly for these parasites, and the decoctions don’t taste too bad either! [8] [9]
This is a very popular herbal remedy for a number of different health conditions, but when it comes to intestinal worms, this powerful spice can make these parasites ill, and can damage the eggs that they lay, due to certain anthelmintic properties. This spice is also highly versatile in cooking, so it shouldn’t be hard to add to your daily diet. [10]
This herb’s role in preventing intestinal worms shouldn’t come as a surprise, given its name, and while the origin of the name isn’t related to parasites, it has numerous anti-parasitic properties that make it a reliable home remedy for this type of infection. [11]
Specifically for roundworms, an infusion of hyssop can be consumed to rapidly eliminate the parasitic worms from your gut. This particular remedy for these helminth infestations has been used since ancient times. [12]
A Final Word of Warning: As you can see, there are many different ways to prevent or eliminate parasitic worms via home remedies. However, it is important to remember that a large infection of parasitic worms can be very dangerous, and even fatal. If you are showing extreme signs of infection, such as dramatic weight loss, constant hunger, exhaustion, anemia, and other symptoms, it is best to speak with a medical professional immediately, as you may need more intense treatment.