Many women choose to use a homemade pregnancy test to find out whether their lives are about to change, but if you want to take this all-natural, doctor-free approach to your early pregnancy, there are a number of key things to understand.
What is a Homemade Pregnancy Test?
A homemade pregnancy test is rather self-explanatory, in that it is a Do-It-Yourself test prepared with things that can often be found around your home. Using a homemade pregnancy test to determine whether you are carrying a child may be one of the oldest DIY practices in human history, considering that specialized doctors and formal pregnancy tests weren’t available for many of our ancestors, but early detection of a pregnancy meant a higher chance of survival for the baby. Although some homemade pregnancy tests date back thousands of years, others have been and continue to be used to this day. [1]
Most homemade pregnancy tests consist of combining your urine with another substance that will react (or not react) to some of the active compounds (hormones) in your urine that signal pregnancy. In recent decades, the accuracy, availability, and safety of pregnancy tests has increased exponentially, but some of these homemade tests are still preferred by those who take a natural approach to their health. Most experts recommend seeking formal medical attention when you believe that you are pregnant, as this will give you the healthiest and best outcome for your baby. These homemade tests are often used as a first-detection measure, and women who find a positive result will then see a doctor.

Check if you are pregnant with a home pregnancy test. Photo Credit: Shutterstock
The validity and efficacy of these tests are always in question since there has been limited scientific research done on the reliability of such tests. However, anecdotal evidence is strong in arguing that these tests are, in fact, good ways to determine whether or not you are pregnant.
Benefits of a Homemade Test
The benefits of a homemade test include its low cost, accessibility, privacy, the experience of a natural pregnancy, and convenience, among others.
Cost Factor
For many people who are under dire financial constraints, even small unexpected expenses can be complicating. Some pregnancy tests aren’t cheap, nor are doctor’s visits, only to find out that you aren’t pregnant. Many women in these situations simply use a homemade pregnancy test instead, to see whether it is worth going to visit a doctor. [2]
In certain situations, getting pregnant can be a very difficult situation, perhaps if you are not supposed to be sexually active, if you have been unfaithful to a partner, or if your religion forbids sexual intercourse before marriage. In these situations, going to a doctor is not an option, but homemade pregnancy tests can provide an alternative. [3]
If you live far from local stores or don’t make trips into town very often, it could be weeks before you have access to a pregnancy test, but with these basic homemade tests, you can get results based on the same basic medical principles as a formal test at a hospital.
Natural Pregnancy
Some women have no interest in medical intervention in the pregnancy and prefer to have a completely natural pregnancy. Homemade pregnancy tests are particularly appealing to these types of people. [4]
If you think you may be pregnant, it will likely be the only thing on your mind. In the middle of the night, the convenience of making a homemade test and getting some answers can be a huge relief for a woman.
There is no need to follow instructions for most of these tests, and the process is very simple, in most cases. This can be a simpler option than buying a test and having to interpret symbols, rather than a simple binary answer that these tests provide. [5]
Various DIY Pregnancy Tests
There are quite a few popular and highly effective homemade pregnancy tests that can be made and used in your home with things you likely already have in your pantry. Some of the most trusted homemade pregnancy tests include the bleach test, the toothpaste test, and the dandelion leaves test, just to name a few.
The best advice is to use these tests first thing in the morning, when your urine is most concentrated, as this will be the fastest and most effective measurement of your pregnancy. The majority of these tests relies on the presence or absence of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) to garner a reaction, similar to a more traditional pregnancy test. Most practitioners of homemade pregnancy tests recommend using an equal 50/50 ratio of urine to the testing materials for best results. Again, there is a great deal of uncertainty in these tests, and all results (positive or negative) should be confirmed by a formal test at some point. [6]
Bleach Test
Step 1 – Add 1 cup of bleach to a container.
Step 2 – Add your urine to the cup and mix thoroughly.
Step 3 – Wait 10 minutes.
Step 4 – If there is foam on the bleach, then you are likely pregnant!
Toothpaste Test
Step 1 – Add two tablespoons of white toothpaste to a container.
Step 2 – Add your urine to the container.
Step 3 – If the paste turns blue or begins to foam, that is a positive indication of pregnancy!
Dandelion Leaves Test
Step 1 – Place two cups of dandelion leaves into a container.
Step 2 – Add the urine to the top of the leaves, submerging them.
Step 3 – Wait 10 minutes.
Step 4 – If red bumps appear on the leaves, you are pregnant!
Vinegar Test
Step 1 – Add 1 cup of white wine vinegar to a container.
Step 2 – Add your morning urine to this container.
Step 3 – If there is a color change in the vinegar, you are likely pregnant.
Sugar Test
Step 1 – Place 3 tablespoons of sugar in a cup.
Step 2 – Add your morning urine to this cup.
Step 3 – Watch to see what the sugar crystals do. If they begin to clump together, it is a positive sign of pregnancy. If the sugar begins to dissolve, you are not pregnant.
Wine Test
Step 1 – Add 1/2 cup of white wine to a container.
Step 2 – Add 1/2 cup of urine to the same container.
Step 3 – Wait 3-5 minutes and look at the wine for any color change.
Step 4 – A color change indicates a positive pregnancy, while no color change means a negative result.
Pine-Sol Test
Step 1 – Add 1 cup of Pine Sol (a popular household cleaner) to a bowl.
Step 2 – Add your morning urine to this bowl.
Step 3 – Stir briefly and then allow the mixture to settle.
Step 4 – If there is a color change, it is a positive indicator of pregnancy; no color change means a negative result.
Do Homemade Pregnancy Tests Really Work?
The biggest criticism of homemade pregnancy tests is that they aren’t completely reliable, as many different factors can impact the results, including the ratio of liquid to urine, the time to wait before a reaction occurs, human error and other complicating issues. While many of the tests outlined above have been trusted for generations, if not centuries, there is still a dearth of formal medical research on the efficacy of these tests.
Therefore, while many people swear by these tests, and anecdotal evidence is very strongly in support of their reliability, it is best to seek out a formal test if that is within your means and lifestyle choices. For example, following your use of a homemade pregnancy test, if the result is positive, it is wise to seek out a doctor in order to begin prenatal care and ensure that your pregnancy is healthy.