Leucorrhoea is caused due to estrogen imbalance. Photo Credit: Shutterstock
The home remedies for leucorrhoea or leukorrhea may include eating a healthy and nutritious diet, practicing good hygiene, exercising regularly, and using a decoction made of fenugreek seeds and basil leaves. Other home remedies may include coriander seeds, mango, neem, aloe vera, okra, Indian gooseberry, and bananas. Maintaining good hygiene will also help you prevent many vaginal infections and also provide relief from the existing symptoms. Leucorrhoea is a condition where there is a white, sticky, and smelly discharge from the vagina. This discharge is known to be generally helpful in flushing out bacteria and other harmful toxins from the body. A pale white, clear or odorless discharge is commonly seen in all women, especially during the menstrual cycle. Sometimes this discharge may change color, and has a bluish tint or is yellow, green or brown. Some women might discharge just a few drops, while others may have a continuous discharge. Estrogen imbalance is believed to cause leucorrhoea as is an infection or sexually transmitted disease (STD).
Home Remedies for Leucorrhoea
There are many home remedies that can be followed in order to reduce the pain and irritation caused by leucorrhoea. Let us find out more about these helpful solutions:
Fenugreek Seeds
Fenugreek seeds are beneficial in leucorrhoea as they may provide a soothing effect on the skin and mucous membranes. They may help get relief from irritation, swelling, and pain. Three teaspoons of fenugreek seeds can be boiled in approximately one liter of water for about half an hour. Strain the water and cool it. Drink this water for treating leucorrhoea effectively and quickly. [1]
Guava Leaves
A decoction of guava leaves is frequently used to get rid of vaginal disorders. Boil some fresh guava leaves in about one liter of water for half an hour. Allow it to cool and then use this externally for vaginal irritation and discharge. [2]
Coriander Seeds
Coriander can also give relief from the symptoms of leucorrhoea. 10 grams of dry coriander seeds can be soaked in 100 ml of water overnight. This water should be drunk on an empty stomach the next morning. Doing this removes the toxins from the body and keeps the body healthy. Repeat this over a week for best results. [3]
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera helps in this condition as it tones up the uterine tissue and helps to prevent the discharge of any abnormal fluids. [4]
Neem or Azadirachta indica [5]is also very useful for treating leucorrhoea. The juice obtained from the bark or rind of the neem tree should be taken along with white cumin seeds. Regularly drinking cow’s milk in the evening by adding a small amount of neem oil helps in curing leucorrhoea.
Rice and Water Decoction
A decoction made from rice and water is a very common and age-old remedy for white discharge. Boiling a half-fist full of rice in about one liter of water and then drinking this water after it cools can cure leucorrhoea. Also, adding the powder of jambul seeds into the boiled rice water is also known to cure the condition. [6]
Mango can also be used as a home remedy to treat leucorrhoea. Decorticated kernels of mango can be made into a paste and applied inside the vagina for good results. The mango pulp made from ripe mangoes, when applied on the vagina, will help to give relief from the itching and irritation caused by leucorrhoea.
Okra or lady’s fingers are beneficial in curing leucorrhoea. A decoction made from about 200 grams of okra in one liter of water is helpful in the reduction of white discharge. This should be boiled on a low flame until the water reduces by half. Drinking this mixture will help in curing leucorrhoea. Try adding some honey or sugar to the decoction for improved taste. [7]
Banyan or Fig Tree Bark
Douching the genital tract with a decoction of the bark of the fig tree or banyan tree may be helpful in curing leucorrhoea. This might keep the vaginal tract healthy and clean.
Amaranth Root
Amaranth or amaranthus is a species of herb with antibacterial properties. It is helpful in treating many infections. The compounds present in the seeds of amaranth have properties that help in the healing of reproductive organs. Grind the healthy roots of amaranth and mix them in water. Drink this twice a day in the morning and in the evening to get the best results from leucorrhoea. Fresh leaves from the amaranth plant can be added to boiling water and can be used to get relief from the symptoms of leucorrhoea. [8]
Walnut Leaves
The leaves from the walnut tree have astringent properties that are helpful in healing infections. Boil the leaves in water for about 20 minutes and this can be used as a douche on the genital areas after it is strained. Repeat this three times a day for possibly fast relief from leucorrhoea.
Indian Gooseberry
The powder from dried Indian gooseberry, or amla, is beneficial for leucorrhoea. Take some powder and add honey or sugar to it. Amla seed with a crystalline form of sugar also called mishri can be taken orally. This can be taken with a glass of water or milk. This powder can also be made into a paste and applied to the vaginal tract. Repeat this twice daily for best results. [9]
Eating bananas is a good home remedy for leucorrhea. Eat one ripe banana early in the morning every day, along with clarified butter for beneficial results. Other preparations, such as vegetable dishes cooked using raw bananas or a combination of banana/amla juice, raw sugar or jaggery gives good results. One can consume vegetable preparations made in the form of cooked or raw banana meals as well. Other Treatments of Leucorrhoea Here are a few additional tips on what one can follow and things to avoid: [10]
- Good hygiene: For a person with leucorrhoea, maintaining good hygiene is the key because the genital areas are sensitive and vulnerable to bacterial infections.
- Hydrotherapy: These are cold water baths that help to relieve congestion in the pelvic region. Healing can be fast if hydrotherapy is followed on a daily basis.
- Exercise: It improves blood circulation and removes toxins from the body, thereby improving the overall health of an individual.
- Food choices: Avoid foods that are spicy, fried, or made of white flour. The excessive use of tea, coffee, alcohol, or other condiments is also not good. Avoid canned food items and use more fresh and healthy foods like vegetables and fruits.
- Essential oils: Aromatherapy, along with the anti-infective essential oils of rosemary and sandalwood, is an effective natural cure for leucorrhoea. This therapy gives relief from many of the troublesome symptoms of the condition.
- Irritants: While you are undergoing a treatment for leucorrhoea, avoid using deodorants, sprays, and synthetic garments which can act as irritants.