Yerba mate has many health benefits such as the reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases and improved health. It has antioxidant properties and helps in healthy weight loss. It also has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.
What is Yerba Mate?
Yerba mate is a well-known non-alcoholic beverage widely consumed by people of South America. It is made from dried leaves of Ilex paraguariensis tree which is a native South American tree. It is found in countries such as Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay. Yerba mate has been used by indigenous people for many centuries as a beverage with medicinal properties. It is gaining popularity in Europe, the United States, and other countries because of its stimulating effect and health benefits. Many include it as an alternative to coffee and tea. [1]
Mate tree is a subtropical flowering plant that grows up to a height of 18 m. It requires good rainfall and can withstand temperatures of -6 degrees Celsius. It flowers between October and November and produces fruit between March and June. Mate leaves undergo several stages of processing which include blanching, drying, and aging of the leaves. The conditions of processing may differ but the overall process generally remains the same.
Nutritional Value
Yerba mate tea contains various nutrients that help in maintaining good health. It is a good source of polyphenols, xanthines, caffeoyl derivatives, and saponins. Amongst minerals, it contains zinc, chromium, potassium, copper, aluminum, iron, manganese, and nickel. It also contains vitamins that include vitamin C, vitamin B1, and vitamin B2. [2]

Yerba mate provides an energy boost similar to coffee but has less caffeine. Photo Credit: Shutterstock
Health Benefits
Yerba mate has many health benefits, which are discussed below:
Antioxidant Properties
Consumption of yerba mate provides antioxidant benefits to the body. It has many phytochemicals such as polyphenols, chlorogenic acid, and caffeoyl derivatives that make it a beneficial antioxidant. [3]
Research suggests that mate extract may reduce oxidative stress that increases the risk of damage to the liver and heart. It also reduces the nitrosative stress that may cause DNA damage, cell death, and lipid peroxidation. As compared to green tea, yerba mate is more effective in preventing cytotoxicity associated with blood flow restriction heart disorders. [4]
Improves Cognition
Many people think of yerba mate as a brain booster and studies show that this is true. The tea’s active ingredients can improve memory and attention, as well as focus.
Increases Sex Drive
It is traditionally known as a mild aphrodisiac, used primarily by men to increase their libido and sex drive. The rich mineral and vitamin content can also help improve fertility, hormonal balance, and reproductive health. [5]
Promotes Digestion
The unique compounds found in yerba mate, such as xanthines, may promote smooth muscle relaxation, which can be very good for digestion, particularly if you are struggling with constipation, bloating, cramping, and other digestive issues. [6]
Boosts Cardiovascular Health
Yerba mate contains compounds such as polyphenols that are beneficial in reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis. Findings of a research study suggest that intake of this beverage has a beneficial impact on lipid parameters and it helps reduce LDL cholesterol in hypercholesterolemic people. Consumption of this beverage protects the myocardial tissue of the heart and is also beneficial in reducing oxidative stress caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS ). [7] [8] [9]
Anti-inflammatory Properties
A study conducted to ascertain the effects of yerba on E. coli suggests that it has antimicrobial properties that may help in preventing health risks caused by E. coli bacteria. Due to this, it has the potential to be used as antimicrobials in various beverages and foods against E. coli. The flavonoids present may be beneficial in reducing inflammation. Anti-inflammatory properties make this beverage beneficial in reducing the risk of chronic diseases, therefore improving overall health. [10] [11]
Manages Diabetes
Yerba mate may be beneficial in reducing complications from hyperglycemia in diabetes. Hyperglycemia results in dicarbonyls, which causes many diabetic complications. This tea, as an antioxidant, plays a role in the process of glycation.
Reduces Obesity
Yerba mate is shown to be beneficial in reducing obesity. This weight loss effect is attributed to increased fat oxidation, slowing of gastric emptying, and an increased feeling of satiety. Similar to coffee, it can provide an energetic boost without contributing much in terms of calories. When combined with the other nutrients provided by yerba mate, your metabolism can begin to speed up, due to the natural stimulant qualities. [12] [13] [14]
Strengthens Bones
While yerba mate tea isn’t always thought of as a boost for bone strength, it does contain some minerals that are essential for bone mineral density in the body. Calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc are all part of the process that keeps osteoporosis at bay as we age. [15]
Increases Circulation
High levels of iron found in yerba mate tea mean that it can significantly help in red blood cell production, and will prevent anemia. With boosted red blood cell production, more oxygenated blood can flow to the organs and extremities that need those resources most. [16]
Boosts Immune System
The vitamin C levels in yerba mate tea are only the beginning in terms of immune system health. Aside from the white blood cell boost provided by ascorbic acid, many saponins and antioxidants help reduce oxidative stress in the body and act as a primary line of defense for the immune system. [17]
How to Prepare Yerba Mate Tea?
Traditional yerba mate is prepared by pouring hot water on dried leaves of Ilex paraguariensis in a gourd. This is repeated many times and then consumed out of the gourd using a metal straw. It is easily available across stores all over the world in loose form or tea bags. A toasted version is also available in the stores. It can be served as a hot or cold drink with milk or fruit juice. Anyway, let us take a look at how to make the cold-brewed version of this tea in detail.

Organic Cold-Brewed Yerba Mate Tea Recipe
- 8-12 ounces water cold
- 1 tbsp loose leaf yerba mate tea (or two teabags)
- 1 tbsp (honey, lemon syrup/pineapple syrup/orange syrup) optional
- To make organic cold brewed yerba iced tea, take a glass and put together water and yerba mate in it. Cover the glass with a small saucer or a plastic wrap. This step is,however, optional.
- Keep it in the fridge overnight.
- Once done, strain the tea or remove the tea bags the next day morning.
- Lastly, add either honey or any of the aforementioned fruit syrups to enhance the taste of the drink.
Side Effects
Despite the many benefits of drinking yerba mate tea, excessive and regular use of this tea does present some health concerns. The side effects and risks include:
Heart Risk: There could be a risk to the heart, due to the high content of caffeine. Even though there is approximately 80 mg of caffeine found in yerba mate, as compared to 100-200 mg in a cup of coffee, yerba mate tea is often consumed throughout the day, with 4 or 5 cups not being an unusual amount for daily consumption. This consistent caffeine boost to the system can take a toll on the cardiovascular system, and be dangerous for those who already have high blood pressure. [18]
Pregnant Women and Children: It is not safe for children as well as pregnant women. It may also be avoided by women during breastfeeding post-delivery.
Liver: Long-term and heavy use may harm liver function and may lead to liver disease.
And generally speaking, it can safely be consumed in small to moderate quantities to enjoy its benefits, but before making it a regular part of your health regimen, it is best to speak to your doctor.
Is Yerba Mate Tea Better than Coffee?
Yerba mate tea is lower in caffeine and doesn’t generate the same type of crash as coffee drinkers often experience. Coffee has trace amounts of certain vitamins and minerals, whereas yerba mate has a much broader range of nutrients to offer, including saponins, quercetin, and xanthines, which provide so many of the unique health benefits of this tea. Coffee may pack more of a morning punch to wake you up, but that can harm your body’s acidity levels and cardiovascular health, as well as your nerves. [19]
In the battle between coffee and yerba mate tea, it depends on what matters more to you, but for those seeking a more well-rounded and healthy beverage, yerba mate seems like an obvious choice, in moderation.