The health benefits of orange essential oil might be attributed to its properties as an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, carminative, diuretic, tonic, sedative, and a cholagogic substance.
Uses of Orange Essential Oil
The essential oil of orange might have a wide variety of domestic, industrial, and medicinal uses.
Domestically, it might be used to add orange flavor to beverages, desserts, and sweetmeats.
Industrially, it might be used in soaps, body lotions, creams, anti-aging, and wrinkle-lifting applications, and as a concentrate for soft beverages, room fresheners, sprays, deodorants, biscuits, chocolates, confectionery, and bakery items.
Orange Essential Oil- Composition and Extraction Process
This essential oil might be obtained from the peels of sweet orange by cold compression. Although most of you know the common name of oranges, you may not know the botanical name, Citrus sinensis. The liquid that comes in packets inside orange-flavored soft drink concentrate might sometimes be composed of this oil. The main components of this oil may be alpha-pinene, citronellol, geraniol, sabinene, myrcene, limonene, linalool, and neral. [1]
Health Benefits of Orange Essential Oil
We are all familiar with its commercial and industrial uses, now let’s explore some of the health benefits that orange essential oil might have for those who consume it regularly.
Might Treat Spasms
Spasms might result in many irritating or serious problems including continuous coughing, convulsions, muscle cramps, and diarrhea. To avoid these effects, spasms must be treated early or prevented entirely. This can be done with the help of orange essential oil, which might relax muscular and nervous spasms.
Might have Sedative Effect
When you need to unwind after a hard day at the office or you are suffering from inflammation, reach for a natural sedative that might help you relax. The artificial sedatives or drugs available in the market might mostly be tranquilizers based on narcotics or other synthetic forms. These, in the long run, may do immense damage to the heart and various internal organs. It might be a much better choice to use a natural sedative such as the orange essential oil. It might alleviate anxiety, anger, and certain bodily inflammations. A study cited in the Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry journal might confirm the anxiolytic-like effect of this oil. [2]
Might have Aphrodisiac Properties
The orange essential oil might have mild aphrodisiac properties. Systematic and regular use may cure problems such as frigidity, erectile problems, impotence, loss of interest in sex, and decreased libido.
May Relieve Inflammation
Orange essential oil may provide quick and effective relief from inflammation, whether internal or external. Regardless of the reason, whether it is an excessive intake of spices, fever, infections, a side effect of antibiotics, gas, and ingestion of toxic substances or narcotics, the orange essential oil might reduce the irritation and pain. [3] [4]
Might Act as a Cholagogue
Orange essential oil might promote secretions from all appropriate glands including the exocrine and endocrine. Therefore, it may frequently be used to regulate menstruation and lactation, and the secretion of digestive juices, bile, hormones, and enzymes.

Diffusing orange essential oil might helps in refreshing you. Photo Credit: Shutterstock
Might Prevent Infections
Wherever there is a cut or abrasion, there is always a chance of the wound becoming septic due to a bacterial infection.The essential oil of orange can help people avoid both, septic fungal infections as they may inhibit microbial growth and disinfect the wounds. A study conducted by Dr. Steven Ricke et al. at the University of Arkansas, US might throw light on the antistaphylococcal properties of the orange essential oil. [5]
Might Stimulate Urination
Orange essential oil might promote urination, which can eliminate toxins like uric acid, bile, excess salts, pollutants, and excess water in the urine. Urination might increase appetite and promotes digestion. It may contribute towards losing fats, which can make it good for the heart as well.
Might Act as Tonic
The relation of a tonic to the body may be quite similar to the overhauling and servicing a vehicle. A tonic may tone up every system that functions throughout the body, keeps the metabolic system in proper shape and boosts immunity.
Might have Carminative Properties
Being a carminative means being an agent that may help in the removal of excess gas from the intestines. Gas forms in the intestines and moves upwards and might result in chest pain, indigestion, and discomfort.
It can also cause a rise in blood pressure, negatively affect heart health, and cause acute stomach ache. The essential oil of orange might cope with many of these problems, since it can relax the abdominal and anal muscles, thereby letting the gas escape. Furthermore, it might not let additional gas form.
Might Improve Cognitive Function
A study suggests that aromatherapy using orange essential oil may aid in improving cognitive function. [6]

Orange essential oil may provide quick and effective relief from inflammation, whether internal or external.
Might have Insecticidal Properties
Research suggests that orange essential oil might be effective against larvae and pupae of a housefly and may help in the elimination of houseflies. [7]
Other Benefits
It might serve as a detoxifier, boosts immunity, treats constipation and dyspepsia, and may be very good for maintaining healthy, smooth, and glamorous skin. It can also helps cure acne and dermatitis.
Word of Caution: Orange essential oil might display photo-toxicity. It may taste bitter and if ingested in large quantities, it may result in vomiting, nausea, and loss of appetite. People with sensitive skin might be advised to dilute the oil with a carrier oil like coconut oil or jojoba oil for safe topical application.
Blending: Being a citrus oil, it might blend well with other citrus essential oils. Orange essential oil may blend well with essential oils of cinnamon, cloves, frankincense, ginger, black pepper, sandalwood, and vetiver.
Orange Essential Oil FAQs
What is Orange Oil?
Orange oil is the essential oil of oranges, which bears the scientific name Citrus sinensis. These might be extremely common fruits but the oil itself isn’t as widely known. Differing from orange juice, the orange essential oil can be extracted from the peels of oranges through a process involving grain alcohol. The resultant orange oil might be used for many health issues, ranging from acne to chronic stress.
How to make Orange Oil?
Unlike what some expect, making orange essential oil might actually require you to use the peels, not the fruit itself. Peel the oranges and allow them to dry. Grind the peels up and bring some grain alcohol up to a warm temperature on the stove. Then, pour the grain alcohol over the ground orange peels. Shake the mixture and allow it to sit for 2-3 days before straining it. Voila! Orange essential oil is ready!
Where to buy Orange Essential Oil?
You can buy orange essential oil from a majority of natural health and whole food stores where other essential oils are found. Orange oil might also be commonly used in aromatherapy applications, so herbalists and aromatherapists may also be good places to purchase this oil from. Fortunately, it may not be very expensive and highly effective!
What is Orange Essential Oil good for?
The orange essential oil may have many applications that can improve your overall health, such as helping you get better sleep, reducing the occurrence of muscle spasms, increasing your sex drive, protecting the immune system, detoxifying the body, and preventing the onset of cognitive disorders. The high content of antioxidants and organic compounds might make this oil highly versatile and useful.
How to use Orange Essential oil?
You can use orange essential oil in a number of ways. Some people may choose to freshen their clothes by adding some oil to their laundry; others might use it in diffusers to give the entire room an energetic boost. You can use it topically to improve the appearance of your skin in case of acne or eczema or put it in some boiling water and inhale the steam.