The health benefits of Bay essential oil can be attributed to its properties as a potentially antiseptic, antibiotic, anti-neuralgic, antispasmodic, analgesic, aperitif, astringent, cholagogic, emmenagogue, febrifuge, insecticide, sedative, stomachic, sudorific, and a tonic substance.
The bay tree is native to the Mediterranean region from where it is believed to have spread to other parts of the world. Bay held an important place in Ancient Rome and Greece as well, in their religion, culture, and in their medicines.
This oil is extracted by steam distillation of fresh leaves of the bay tree, whose scientific name is Laurus nobilis. The main constituents of bay essential oil are alpha-pinene, alpha-terpineol, beta pinene, chavicol, geranyl acetate, eugenol, limonene, linalool, methyl chavicol, myrcene, and neral. [1]
Health Benefits of Bay Essential Oil
The benefits of the bay essential oil include:
May Act as Antibiotic
This oil is also known for its antibiotic properties. That means that it can inhibit any sort of biotic growth (growth of microbes, bacteria, or fungi) in the body, effectively safeguarding you against those infections. [2] [3]
May Provide Relief From Neuralgia Pain
Neuralgia can be very painful and may also leave almost the entire oral zone, including the throat, ears, tonsils, base of the nose, larynx, pharynx, and the surrounding areas suffering from severe pain. It can be caused due to compression of the glossopharyngeal or the ninth cranial nerve by the surrounding blood vessels, which can swell up when excited or stimulated as a result of chewing, eating, laughing, shouting, or any other excitement or movement in that region. [4]
The essential oil of bay has potentially analgesic and astringent properties, which can provide relief from the pain of neuralgia in its own way. Being an analgesic, it reduces the feeling of pain in the affected area. Then, as an astringent, it induces contraction in the blood vessels, thus relieving the pressure on the cranial nerve, giving immediate relief from the pain. [5]
May Provide Relief From Spasms
Cramps, coughs, aches, diarrhea, nervous afflictions, and convulsions can be some of the ailments caused by spasm, which is an excessive contraction in the respiratory tracts, muscles, nerves, blood vessels, and internal organs. Not only does it cause the ailments discussed above, but sometimes it can also become fatal if it is overly excessive. For example, excessive spasms in the respiratory system can leave someone breathless or literally choke them to death. The essential oil of the bay might give relief from spasms by relaxing the contractions and helping to avoid the related dangers or ailments. [6]

Bay laurel essential oil is excellent for use on the hair as a stimulant and a tonic. Photo Credit: Shutterstock
May Act as Analgesic
An analgesic, like the essential oil of bay, can reduce pain and can be particularly effective in pains resulting from coughs and colds, viral infections, influenza, and sprains. Again, it can be better than the analgesic pills available on the market, which have significant adverse side effects. [7]
May Boost Appetite
Loss of appetite is a very common problem with people who lead a metropolitan way of life. With the excessive pressure of work in the office as well as at home, a never-ending search for money, and almost no time to relax or exercise, it is bound to happen! This loss of appetite can eventually induce acute deficiencies in those people. Therefore, an appetizer or an aperitif can be a helping hand in these cases. The herbal aperitif like the essential oil of bay can help them to want and have a sumptuous lunch or dinner. [8]
May Act As Astringent
We have already read that astringency can be beneficial in treating painful conditions like neuralgia. However, it is not its sole benefit. An astringent’s main function can induce contractions in muscles and tissues. This contraction might help in many ways. It might strengthen the grip of gums on teeth, pulls up the sagging skin and muscles, strengthens the hold of the scalp on hair roots, thereby preventing loss of hair, and finally, it may induce contractions in the blood vessels which can help to stop hemorrhaging. [9]
May Fight Infections
Since certain components of the bay essential oil can help in fighting infections that cause cough, cold, and fever, this oil can also help reduce fevers. Its sudorific property can also contribute to this since perspiration might bring down body temperature. [10]
May Kill Insects
Being lethal to insects and animals may be yet another plausible property of this oil, which can help to drive away insects. Therefore, it can be used in fumigants, sprays, vaporizers, and in various other ways to keep away insects. [11]
Other Benefits
The essential oil of bay can be equally effective in symptoms like rheumatism, neuralgia, muscular pain, circulation problems, cold, flu, dental infection, diarrhea, skin infections, and promoting the growth of hair, and general health of the scalp. [12]
Word of Caution: Due to the presence of a high concentration of eugenol, this oil can cause irritations in the skin and mucus membrane. It should be avoided during pregnancy. [13]
Blending: Bay essential oil can be blended with a whole range of essential oils, including the essential oils of Cedar Wood, Coriander, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Ginger, Juniper, Lavender, Lemon, Orange, Rose, Rosemary, Thyme, and Ylang-Ylang.