While the name may sound odd, noni juice is derived from the fruit of a small evergreen plant called noni – also known as Indian mulberry – normally found in global subtropics and tropics. Lucky for us, the health benefits abound noni juice may offer protection and functioning of the liver, maintenance of cardiovascular health, and blood sugar control, and relief from memory loss. The immense antioxidant potential of noni juice also exerts antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory effects which are valuable in giving relief from conditions such as arthritis and some central nervous system disorders.
For thousands of years, the natural healing power of this juice has been esteemed for its ability to keep the skin healthy, boost energy levels, and prevent general body weakness. Noni juice accelerates wound healing and toughens the immune system. [1]
What is Noni Juice?
The botanical name of noni juice is Morinda citrifolia, and it belongs to the Rubiaceae family. Noni juice’s conspicuous attributes, versatile nature, and distinctive ability to spread itself on the seashores without requiring much human intervention make it one of the highlights of this genus of plant. It is one of the earliest species which grow on the freshly deposited lava flows typically in Hawaiian regions. [2] [3]
The historic beginning and geographic dissemination of noni juice in the Pacific islands trace back to thousands of years. Before the latter part of the twentieth century, the noni plant was just used for dyeing clothes. When the benefits of alternative medication were recognized, it has been admired as a focus of Polynesian conventional medicine and is considered as a sacred healer among the Hawaiians for every plausible imbalance. In recent years, the juice of noni has been a part of discussions and speculations globally attributing to its unique healing characteristics, however, its true therapeutic potential is yet to be discovered.
Noni tree is more like a shrub or small tree with its height ranging from 3-10 m. It has rounded branches, dark shiny leaves, reddish-brown seeds, and small groupings of edible white flowers which in due course progress into a few inches long, potato or egg-shaped greenish-white fruit carved with many round grooves.
Noni Juice Nutrition Facts
Noni juice offers an impressive gamut of helpful vitamins, minerals, and other phytonutrients. Vitamin content of noni juice includes B vitamins, such as – vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3(niacin), vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), vitamin B6, and vitamin B12, as well as vitamin C (ascorbic acid), folate, vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol), and beta-carotene. [4]
Mineral content present in noni juice includes calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, and phosphorus. The National Center for Natural Products Research at the University of Mississippi, states that noni juice also contains natural chemical constituents and an inspiring range of antioxidants like quercetin, vanillin, pinoresinol, proxeronine, kaempferol, and more. [5]
Health Benefits of Noni Juice
Noni is a plant with multiple benefits ranging from the traditional use of its wood for making tools to its juice being used as first aid or for giving relief from critical illnesses. Healing effects of noni juice for various medical conditions include the following:
Antioxidant Agent
A 2005 study has confirmed that noni juice has tremendous anti-oxidative potential – this means that it seeks out the oxygen free radicals and neutralizes their negative effects. Research conducted on patients with heavy smoking habits making them vulnerable to many diseases has advocated the protective effect of noni juice in improving the radical scavenging potential of their body and providing relief from the diseases caused by oxidative stress. [6] [7]

Freshly made noni juice with noni fruits Photo Credit: Shutterstock
Relieves Symptoms of Gout
Morinda Citrifolia or noni juice extends its therapeutic effects in curing gout. The effectiveness of noni juice in curing such diseases attributes to its inhibitory action on the xanthine oxidase enzymes which are implicated in gout and its associated problems. Scientific research done in 2009 has also supported this curative effect of noni juice which has been in practice for thousands of years. [8]
Reduces Muscle Spasms
Consumption of noni juice may help create a relaxing effect on the muscles. Research studies have revealed the antispasmodic properties of noni juice possibly attributing to the blockade of voltage-dependent calcium channels and secretion of intracellular calcium content in the body. It helps in suppressing the muscle spasms and soothes the associated pain and discomfort. [9]
Protects Heart Health
Noni juice may prove valuable in maintaining cardiovascular health. It exerts dilating effects on the blood vessels by comforting the smooth muscle cells within the cells’ walls resulting in a better flow of blood in the arteries. This vasodilating effect of noni juice helps to regulate blood pressure and assists in maintaining a healthy heart. [10]
Research at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Rockford, USA has demonstrated that drinking noni juice helps in reducing the LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, total cholesterol content, homocysteine, and improves HDL (good) cholesterol levels in the body. [11]
Relieves Fatigue
Noni juice is a time-honored medicine and was traditionally used by Polynesians to combat general body weakness and advancing quality of life and energy levels. Various studies have shown the ergogenic qualities of noni juice which help in enhancing the tolerance, elasticity, and overall physical performance of the body. [12]
Protects Liver
Noni fruit is also known for its effectiveness in protecting against liver diseases. As supported by a 2008 study, noni juice exercises hepato-protective effects on the liver which assists in protecting the organ from exposures to chronic exogenous chemicals and defends against major illnesses like liver damage. [13]
Relieves Arthritis Pain
The healing powers of noni juice bring relief in inflammatory conditions such as arthritis. Scientific evaluation has provided qualitative evidence regarding the analgesic traits of noni juice which help in alleviating pain and sensitivity thereby, reducing the joint destruction implicated in the painful condition of arthritis. The study also suggested that the remedial efficacy of noni juice is at par with some of the well-known commercially available analgesic drugs. [14]
Helps Improve Memory Functions
Noni juice may exert a protective effect in curing the problems of memory impairment. Research studies conducted on subjects with weakened memory functions have suggested that consumption of noni juice encourages cerebral blood flow and helps to improve memory functions. [15]
Controls Diabetes
Diabetics may also benefit from the healing power of Morinda citrifolia or noni extracts. This has been proven by research, which has shown the effectiveness of noni juice as a remedial herb for reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. Scientific evidence has testified that consumption of noni juice helps in reducing the level of glycosylated hemoglobin, serum triglycerides, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in the body. In addition to this, it works towards enhancing insulin sensitivity and stimulates the uptake of glucose. [16] [17]
Skin Care
Noni juice may be regarded as a natural aid in beauty and skincare. Studies suggest that the juice is rich in protective chemical constituents, anthraquinones which exert collagen stimulating effects and prevent the formation of wrinkles on the skin. Anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of noni work at the cellular levels and are useful in curing various skin disorders including acne, burns, allergic skin reactions, and hives holistically. The presence of essential fatty acids and high concentration of biochemical component proxeronine, which is a precursor to the alkaloid xeronine in noni juice supports the efficient functioning of cell membranes, tends to normalize abnormal cells, and helps restore young and healthy skin. [18] [19] [20]

Noni juice offers an impressive gamut of helpful vitamins, minerals, and other phytonutrients.
Treats Gastric Problems
Noni juice may prove useful through its impact on the gastric emptying process in which the food exits the stomach and enters the duodenum. The results of a study conducted on noni juice revealed that phytonutrients present in noni juice delay the gastric emptying which slows down the digestion resulting in a slow discharge of sugars in the bloodstream. The study also suggests that noni juice stimulates the release of digestive enzymes, cholecystokinin without altering the volume of urine, feces, and intestinal transit. [21]
Speeds up Healing
The juice of Morinda citrifolia or noni is effectual in speeding up the healing of wounds. A study evaluating the wound curing properties of noni’s juice has revealed positive results to the increase in weight of the granulation tissues, the functioning of collagen, hydroxyproline, and protein content. As mentioned above, noni helps in reducing the blood sugar levels in the body which can also be correlated to the accelerated wound healing process. [22]
Boosts Immunity
A strengthened immune system is yet another benefit of noni juice which accentuates its credibility. Since earlier times, noni juice has been valued for its effectiveness in fighting infections and other ailments attributing to the presence of valuable polysaccharides. These helpful components stimulate the activity of white blood cells which play an important role in exerting such a protective effect. Scopoletin present in noni juice possesses anti-bacterial, antimutagenic, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and anti-histamine properties which significantly contribute to sustaining the immune defense mechanism of the body. [23] [24]
Side Effects of Noni Juice
Research evaluating the safety and efficacy of noni juice has provided positive results regarding its consumption on a dose-dependent basis. However, special cases and individual concerns require caution to be exercised. A few of the concerns have been mentioned as under: [25]
- High potassium content: Noni juice contains a good concentration of potassium which may interfere with various drugs used for curing high blood pressure such as potassium-sparing diuretics and angiotensin receptor blockers. These two can collectively result in very high levels of potassium in the body giving rise to symptoms like nausea and cardiac arrhythmia. [26]
- Kidney problems: Basis the above-mentioned reason, noni juice should not be taken by the individuals already combating kidney problems as it may tend to aggravate the existing condition.
Although several studies have advocated regarding the safety of noni juice, it is strongly recommended to consult a medical professional before considering it for remedial measures especially during special conditions like pregnancy and lactation. [27] [28]
Noni Juice Summary
Noni juice has been prized for its medicinal nature for more than 2000 years in Polynesia, China, and India and is a major part of emerging healthcare trends. Numerous people across the globe including the health experts have testified the astounding and life-changing health-related benefits of it. While the fruit and its juice are quite popular for their therapeutic qualities, other parts of the noni plant such as bark, leaves, and roots too have a spanning history of traditional usage in Polynesia. The bark and roots of the noni plant have been traditionally used for dyeing purposes attributing to the presence of yellow chemicals known as anthraquinones. [29] [30] [31]
Apart from the above-listed advantages, proxeronine present in noni juice is an effective anti-inflammatory enzyme which also provides relief in symptoms of menstrual pain and endometriosis in women. Noni juice helps elevate the mood by stimulating the production of serotonin and prevents the condition of anxiety. It works as an amplifier for the entire endocrine system which is positive for the functioning of the thymus gland, pineal gland, adrenal glands, and sex organs for both males and females.
Noni Juice FAQ’s
What is noni?
Noni is a type of fruit from a tree found in Southeast Asia and Australasia, and its juice is widely considered to be a health tonic. Bearing the scientific name Morinda citrifolia, the noni fruit is greenish-white and has bumps on the outside, which has earned it the name cheese fruit. The noni tree is also in the coffee family of plants!
What is noni juice?
Noni juice is extracted from the noni fruit, which comes from a tree in subtropical and tropical regions of the world. The juice has been used for thousands of years as a traditional remedy in certain Southeast Asian countries and has now become popularized in the rest of the world. While some of the claims of what this sweet juice can do for health has been hotly debated, the anecdotal and traditional evidence is strong.
How to prepare noni juice?
You can prepare noni juice yourself, but it will take some effort. Noni fruit must be picked before they are ripe, then washed thoroughly and placed in the sun for 2-3 hours. At that point, the skin will be translucent and the fruit will begin to smell quite bad. Then, put the fruit in a clear jar and place it in the sun for 6-8 weeks. The fruit will ferment, and after that time, you can strain out the juice, which will have seeped out of the fruit.
Where to buy noni juice?
Noni juice is not as widely available as other types of fruit juices, but since the health benefits have been discovered, you can buy it at chain stores such as Walmart. Buying noni juice online is also a popular option, as cultivating noni trees outside tropical or subtropical regions isn’t easy. You can also buy noni juice from traditional medicine practitioners, particularly in tropical areas.
What does noni mean?
Noni means a fruit that comes from the noni tree, which is scientifically known as Morinda citrifolia. The word itself is the original name in Tahitian, which is one of the Southern Pacific areas where the fruit naturally grows. Noni is a popular fruit in many Asian countries, but due to its health benefits, it has become well known around the world. Noni juice is also a popular health tonic, and is packed with many nutrients!
What is noni juice good for?
Noni juice can be used for a variety of health issues, including preventing parasitic diseases, lowering cholesterol, reducing inflammation throughout the body, speeding up the healing process, and eliminating oxidative stress.
How much noni juice to drink?
According to an early study by the Pacific Health Dialog journal, drinking up to 750 mL noni juice per day is safe and has no harmful effects. [32]