If you want to give your guinea pigs carrots, that is perfectly fine in moderation, but understanding the risks is important before making this a major part of their diet.
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Carrots?
Guinea pigs eat carrots with the same excitement that most dogs chew on a rawhide bone. Something about these vegetables makes them an absolute favorite of these cute little pets, but be wary of giving them too many. Carrots are powerhouses of nutrients, boasting very high levels of vitamin A, moderate amounts of vitamin C, dietary fiber, water, beta-carotene, and other active ingredients. There are also quite a few natural sugars found in carrots, which is where the trouble begins. If you give your guinea pig too many carrots, their sugar levels will skyrocket. Monitoring sugar intake for your guinea pigs is very important, so you should make carrots an occasional snack, rather than a constant snack. [1]

The key to a healthy, balanced guinea pig diet is moderation. Photo Credit: Shutterstock
Rather than putting an entire carrot in the cage and letting your pet munch on it endlessly for a few days, limit the carrot intake of your guinea pig to 1-2 baby carrots per day. If you don’t want to buy baby carrots, simply chop normal carrots into bite-sized pieces similar to baby carrots. When you first introduce carrots to your guinea pig, do so with a very small amount and monitor their behavior, as well as their bowel movements. If guinea pigs eat carrots too often, they will have too much vitamin A and sugar in their diet, which can manifest in some rather obvious side effects, such as lethargy, soft or loose stools, and changes in appetite. [2]
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Carrot Tops?
Experts recommend that guinea pigs get a portion of vegetables every day, and carrot tops seem like a good option. Guinea pigs seem to like eating them, and they are known to be rich in calcium, potassium, and vitamin C, the last of which is a nutrient that guinea pigs can’t naturally make in their body. As with any human food or vegetable, give these tops to your pet in moderation, no more than 3-4 times per week. Finally, be sure to monitor their reaction to the carrot tops when you first begin including them in their diet. [3]
Can Guinea Pigs Drink Carrot Juice?
Although carrot juice is a dense source of many beneficial nutrients, it is also very high in sugar. While it is probably safe to allow your guinea pig to take a few laps from your hand, there is no reason to expose them to such high levels of sugar. It is always best to stick to water as the main liquid for your pet guinea pig. [4]