The idea of adding granulated garlic to your diet may not have occurred to you, but for people searching for an easy boost to their overall health, this spice variation is an excellent option.
What is Granulated Garlic?
Granulated garlic is a popular way that many people choose to prepare and store their garlic, as it lies somewhere between garlic powder and sliced cloves. Granulated garlic has the consistency of cornmeal, rather than the very fine grains of garlic powder, and it is a popular addition to savory dishes, soups, stews, rubs, salsas, and pasta salads. You can get approximately 1/2 teaspoon of granulated garlic per clove of garlic, and while this may not seem like much, the flavor and potency of granulated garlic are well known. In other words, you don’t need much of this semi-processed garlic for it to have an effect on your meal. [1]
How to Make Granulated Garlic?
Granulated garlic is prepared by slicing up garlic cloves, dehydrating them fully and then grinding them in a mortar and pestle or in a food processor until a coarse consistency is achieved. This can then be stored in an airtight container, out of direct sunlight, until it’s ready to be used.
Where to Find Granulated Garlic?
As a popular element in cooking in various parts of the world, granulated garlic is usually available at grocery stores and markets, and is also online via major distributors. However, many people choose to make their own granulated garlic, as it is a relatively simple and inexpensive way to store your garlic for extended periods of time and give your dishes an extra boost of flavor. [2]
Substitutes for Granulated Garlic
There are quite a few things you can use in place of granulated garlic, including garlic powder, garlic flakes, garlic juice, and garlic salt, among others.
Garlic Powder

Granulated garlic is a popular way that people choose to prepare & store their garlic. Photo Credit: Shutterstock
Considering that granulated garlic would become garlic powder if left in the food processor too long, garlic powder is the best substitute for this unusual spice. While the potent flavor may be better in the granulated variety, most people won’t be able to tell the difference. [3]
Garlic Salt
Adding salt to any other spice tends to enhance the flavor, and in the case of garlic salt, that addition of an extra savory flavor makes it a perfect 1:1 substitute for granulated garlic.
Garlic Juice
Garlic juice is highly concentrated, boasting an even stronger garlic flavor than fresh garlic or garlic powder; using a small amount of this juice can be an effective way to replace the granulated variety of garlic. [4]
Garlic Flakes
These are small dehydrated flakes of garlic – basically the slices you removed from the dehydrator before adding to the food processor. Again, this ingredient will add a similar flavor to your dishes as granulated forms of this spice.
Onion Varieties
Aside from using different variations of garlic, you can also substitute certain types of onions for granulated forms of garlic. Shallots and chives can both be dried and used as replacements, as they can have similar flavor profiles and active ingredients as garlic. [5]
Difference between Granulated Garlic & Garlic Powder
The only real difference between granulated garlic and garlic powder is how finely ground the garlic becomes. When you add dried garlic slices to a food processor, the longer you allow the cloves to blend, the finer the garlic will be ground, and the closer to garlic powder you’ll get. In terms of basic ingredients, these come from the same herb and are only different in their final consistency – one a fine powder, and the other with larger clumps.