Creating garlic-infused olive oil is a popular practice for many chefs who want some extra spice and nutrients in their recipes.
Garlic is one of the most popular herbs to add into any dish, both for its unique flavor and the wealth of nutrients and health benefits that it can provide. Thanks to its active ingredient, allicin, as well as other sulfuric compounds and nutrients, garlic are known for its antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immunoprotective effects. Considering that olive oil is praised for its benefits, combining garlic and olive oil seems like a logical choice. [1] [2]
Garlic-infused olive oil is an excellent ingredient in marinades and other sauces, while also making for a surprisingly flavorful salad dressing or another drizzle for vegetables and fruit. You can pour small amounts of this oil over French bread to make your own garlic bread, and many people even enjoy topping their pizza with this tangy homemade oil variety. [3]

Garlic infused olive oil Photo Credit: Shutterstock
How to Make Garlic-Infused Olive Oil?
You can make delicious food using garlic-infused olive oil because garlic in itself has the potential to add so much flavor to the food you’re cooking. The delightful garlicky taste enhances the palate of the dish that’s being cooked or roasted. This flavorful oil is also used to sautee veggies or garnish salads. So how do you make this oil at home? Let’s find out. [4]

How to make Garlic Infused Olive Oil: Easy Recipe
- 1/2 cup olive oil
- 4 garlic cloves
- 1-2 tsp cumin
- 1-2 tsp red pepper flakes
- To make garlic-infused olive oil, first, pour 1/2 cup of olive oil into a saucepan.
- In the meantime, peel 4 garlic cloves and use a garlic press to crush the cloves before adding them to the oil in the saucepan.
- Thereafter, add 1-2 teaspoons of any other spices you desire (e.g., cumin, red pepper flakes, etc.)
- Slowly heat the mixture, allowing the garlic to gradually become golden and brown, releasing its active ingredients.
- Heat for 5-6 minutes, until the garlic becomes medium-brown.
- Strain the resultant mixture, removing the mashed garlic.
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