When dogs eat sesame seeds, there is no immediate danger to your canine companion. But before giving your dog any form of human foods, you should be aware of the effects that it will have on your dog’s health.
Can Dogs Eat Sesame Seeds?
Although researchers have found that there is no immediate danger when dogs eat sesame seeds, they have also determined that there is little benefit to doing so. In other words, if your canine pal snatches a few seeds from your hand, or eats a sesame seed-covered bun, there is no serious cause for concern, but you shouldn’t go out of your way to give them to your pup. While many people are quick to point out the many health benefits of sesame seeds for humans, due to their high protein, fiber, and fatty acid content, that doesn’t mean they will also be good for your pooch. [1]
A healthy canine diet will already provide all of the necessary protein and healthy fats that your dog may need, eliminating the need for “human food”, unless it is in the form of an occasional treat. Furthermore, some nutrients that are vital or healthy for humans are indigestible to dogs, and can even disrupt their gastrointestinal system. This is the case with sesame seeds, as they will often be excreted within a day or two, completely undigested. If anything, you are putting your dog at risk of a stomachache without giving them any useful nutrients. There are many other healthy and digestible foods that you can share with your pooch instead. [2]

Sprinkle sesame seeds on your salads and sandwiches. Photo Credit: Shutterstock
Should Dogs Avoid All Forms of Sesame Seeds?
Other forms of sesame seeds, including sesame seed oil and tahini, have various culinary uses. Tahini, a popular Mediterranean or Middle Eastern condiment or spread, has a good amount of ground-up sesame seeds in it. This wouldn’t be overly dangerous but there is also a good amount of garlic and onions in this popular food, which is also dangerous for dogs and should, therefore, be avoided.
Sesame seed oil, on the other hand, can be a healthy way of adding good fats to your dog’s diet. If additional fats are something that your veterinarian has recommended, then using sesame oil in limited quantities can be safe for your dog.