13 Top Cruciferous Vegetables List

by Vanya Sharma last updated -

Interestingly, many of the different cruciferous vegetables are classified under the same species name and are only differentiated by cultivars. That being said, each of these unique, yet relatively common vegetables, have different nutrient profiles and can contribute to different aspects of health. Let’s take a look at the best cruciferous vegetables list below.

Cruciferous Vegetables List

The top cruciferous vegetables include bok choy, rutabaga cabbage, collard greens, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, watercress, wasabi, turnips, and collard greens, among others.

Bok Choy

This leafy vegetable is known to increase your protein and fiber intake, helping to stimulate digestive processes, while also ensuring normal growth, development, and repair of the body. [1]


Thanks to the high levels of beta-carotene and potassium in this vegetable, it has a reputation for mitigating symptoms of hypertension and improving vision health, along with reducing oxidative stress and chronic inflammation. [2]

Collard Greens

These unassuming greens are able to balance cholesterol levels and improve the health of the skin, thanks to its high levels of vitamin E. [3]

A close-up shot of cruciferous vegetables

Eating cruciferous vegetables keep you fuller for a long time. Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Brussels Sprouts

Capable of boosting bone health and strengthening the immune system, brussels sprouts are rich in vitamin K and vitamin C, along with a number of other nutrients.


With a great amount of vitamin K, dietary fiber, potassium, choline, and phosphorous, cabbage is well known to protect the skin, hair, and eyes. [4]


This cruciferous vegetable is extremely rich in antioxidants, such as lutein, zeaxanthin, and beta-carotene, making it a great natural way to prevent chronic diseases.


This popular vegetable is able to boost digestion and aid in weight loss, thanks to its high levels of vitamin C and dietary fiber, coupled with a low level of calories. [5]

Swiss Chard

Considered one of the healthiest vegetables in this category, Swiss chard is rich in vitamin C, K, and A, as well as potassium, iron, and dietary fiber, helping to boost digestion and bone strength.

Mustard Greens

Packed with antioxidants and fiber, these leaves are able to detoxify the liver and lower cholesterol. This cruciferous vegetable can also improve your immune system’s response and prevent inflammation. [6]


This popular vegetable has an incredibly high level of vitamin K and vitamin C, as well as various B vitamins and other antioxidants. It can also aid in digestion, thanks to a large amount of dietary fiber.


As an excellent source of magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium, and fiber, this unusual vegetable can aid in developing bone mineral density and lowering blood pressure. [7]


These vegetables are a nutrient and vitamin powerhouse, while also providing decent amounts of protein and omega-3 fatty acids.


With no fat and very low-calorie levels, kale is one of the best additions you can make to your diet, particularly if you want to benefit from better digestion, lower cholesterol, better sleep habits, and stronger bones! [8]

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About the Author

Vanya Sharma is a writer at heart with interests in the health and nutrition domain and has experience in content creation, collaboration, and content strategy. Vanya has completed the “Introduction to Food and Health” certificate program from Stanford University, US. She aims to bring unbiased and helpful information to all those seeking to make their health and lifestyle a priority.

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