The number of butt massage benefits may surprise you, particularly if you have a professional working on your posterior parts.
Butt Massage Benefits
Your gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in your body and is responsible for a huge range of mobility and movements. Whether sitting, standing, walking, or running, your butt provides stability for your entire body. Furthermore, it can have huge effects on the rest of your body. If your butt is injured or out of shape, it can cause strong knee, back, and hip pain.
However, taking care of this major muscle can have just as many health benefits. Regularly getting a butt massage can help you realign your back and eliminate a number of chronic problems, in addition to being a relaxing way to unwind. [1]
Let us look at the most important benefits of a butt massage.

Your gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in your body. Photo Credit: Shutterstock
Relieves Back Pain
Many people experience lower back pain at some point in their lives, especially those who work in positions that require heavy lifting, or long periods of standing or sitting. Tight glute muscles are often the perpetrator here, as they can cause tension and pain (Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 2015). Sciatica, a common back ailment, is actually caused by tight glute and piriformis muscles, which put pressure on the sciatic nerve and can cause severe pain throughout the lower back, hips, and legs. Butt massage benefits include promoting the relaxation of these muscles, thus relieving nerve pressure. [2] [3]
Relieves Knee Pain
Out of shape glute, muscles can often be the cause of recurring knee pain as well. If one of your glute muscles is working harder and is, therefore, tenser, it can cause an imbalance in your stride, leading to long-term stress on your knees. Massage can help balance the muscles and help you regain a natural, pain-free stride. According to research by Dr. David J. Alvarez, published in American Family Physician, trigger points in your gluteus maximus muscle is directly linked to the stress and balance on your knees. [4]
Improves Mobility
We all know how stiff and sore we sometimes feel from sitting at the office all day, or the pain we feel after moving day. The glutes are active in almost every physical activity you do throughout your day, and if they are sore or tense, it affects your entire body. Pain or restriction of movement in your glutes can make you feel weak, tired, and even depressed. A licensed therapist can not only relieve the pain and tension, but you’ll also get a boost of endorphins from the butt massage. In other words, not only will your body feel better, but so will your mind!
Better Athletic Performance
In sports therapy, your glutes are known as your posterior power center. They are involved in every athletic movement, providing balance, stability, and thrust. Out of shape or tensed glutes can slow an athlete down and even put them at greater risk for serious injury. A massage therapist who specializes in sports can help target the areas most in need, and provide tips for giving your glutes the attention they deserve. [5]