There is an undeniable beauty in poached pears. It’s an alchemy of flavors, soft pears in treacly sweet ...
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Paromita Datta
Paromita Datta covers the latest health and wellness trends for Organic Facts. An ex-journalist who specialized in health and entertainment news, Paromita was responsible for managing a health supplement for The New Indian Express, a leading national daily in India. She has completed her post-graduation in Business Administration from the University of Rajasthan and her diploma in journalism from YMCA, Delhi. She has completed an e-course, Introduction to Food and Health, from Stanford University, US.
What is Guava Paste: Uses & Recipe
Guava paste or goiabada is a delicious way of eating the fruit. It is very popular in most of Latin...
Is Cow Parsley Safe To Eat
Despite its name, cow parsley has no bovine characteristics. It’s a pretty plant, often found by the roadside. ...
How to Eat Raw Oysters
While other legends may fade, oysters have kept their myth of aphrodisiac powers. The origins of this lover’s ...
Honey Butter Fried Chicken Recipe
There is something addicting about the combination of honey and butter. Like yin and yang, the sweet and savory balances...
Is Corn Healthy? Busting 5 Corn Myths
For a vegetable that is so universally liked and eaten, corn does get its fair share of bad press. It&...
How to Reheat Fried Chicken
There are few things sadder in comfort food than leftover fried chicken. You remember its crispy comforting goodness, but you...
Lemon Pepper Wings Three Ways
Chicken wings are undoubtedly one of the stars of the fried food hall of fame. Crispy-golden, soft, and succulent, they&...
How To Eat Pineapple
There are some fruits that can transport you to a place and time. The juicy, sweet pineapple brings with it...
Amla Powder For Hair & Other Uses
Amla or Indian gooseberry is one of the most commonly used ingredients in Ayurveda. While the fruit may not be...
How To Cut & Cook Buttercup Squash
Of all the winter squash, buttercup squash perhaps is the one most prized for its delicious flavor. It may not...
How to Freeze Raspberries
Summertimes are synonymous with the lovely sweet-tartness of raspberries. The trouble is that they don’t seem to last ...
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