The home remedies for Raynaud’s disease include relaxation techniques, biofeedback training, increased amounts of vitamin B3, bananas, and other potassium-heavy foods, ginkgo, ginger, magnesium supplements, nuts, seafood, leafy vegetables, eggs, and citrus fruits, as well as behavioral changes such as avoiding caffeine, reducing stress, and quitting smoking.
Raynaud’s disease is a rare and unusual disorder that affects the blood vessels, generally in the fingers and toes. Basically, the hyperactivation of the sympathetic nervous system causes blood vessels to become constricted when you are stressed or cold. This results in blood not reaching the surface of the skin and the areas turning white or blue. When the blood starts flowing, the skin becomes red and can also lead to tissue death. [1]
Primary Raynaud’s is another name for Raynaud’s disease, which is idiopathic in nature and has no known cause. There is also secondary Raynaud’s or Raynaud’s phenomenon, which is caused by trauma, other health conditions, or medications. [2]

Raynaud’s diseases causes pain in the extremities in response to cold temperatures or stress. Photo Credit: Shutterstock
You can go to your doctor and ask for the medicinal treatments, but there are a number of home remedies that can take care of the condition’s symptoms for you. These home remedies are much milder on your system and do not have nearly as many side effects as what a doctor might prescribe. The most popular and effective home remedies are explained below.
Home Remedies for Raynaud’s Disease
Let’s look at the best home remedies for Raynaud’s disease:
Ginkgo biloba has long been known as a vasodilator and a stimulant for the circulatory system. It works effectively but slowly, simply because it takes a few months for all of the ginkgo biloba to build up in your system. However, it has been proven to reduce Raynaud’s disease symptoms by approximately 50% and has been used for other circulatory issues for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. [3]
Relaxation Techniques
Much of the research about Raynaud’s points to mental health as a major trigger for the disease. Additional emotional stress is also one of the major symptoms. For this reason, most alternative treatments should be coupled with relaxation techniques of some kind, which have been shown to ease tension in the body, thereby increasing circulation and boosting endorphins. Yoga, pilates, and meditation are all known to help reduce the occurrence of Raynaud’s episodes. [4]
Biofeedback Training
Biofeedback training is like meditation 2.0 and combines relaxation techniques with instructional lessons on how to control the body’s processes consciously. It does include some technological devices, and it isn’t completely a “home” remedy, but it is an alternative solution for many people who are looking for relief without turning to the pharmaceutical industry. [5]
Vitamin B3
Vitamin B3 plays a key role in increasing blood flow to the surface of the skin and regulating the dilation of blood vessels throughout the body. Also known as niacin, vitamin B3 can be increased by taking specific supplements, or by increasing the consumption of niacin-rich foods, such as seafood, pork, chicken, liver, portobello mushrooms, green peas, and sunflower seeds. [6]
Potassium is an essential mineral that controls both the fluid balance in the body (along with sodium) and the dilation of the blood vessels and arteries. Since Raynaud’s decreases the flow of blood and oxygen to the extremities, food like bananas and other potassium-packed foods are very important to prevent episodes from striking. Potassium reduces tension throughout the cardiovascular system, so Raynaud’s flare-ups have a far less noticeable effect. [7]
Ginger has long been suggested for people struggling with circulation issues. It is also considered a “warm” food, that provides the body with additional warmth in cold conditions. Therefore, ginger and ginger tea tackle both issues of Raynaud’s disease, both issues from cold and from blood constriction.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E, also known as tocopherol, is well-known as a boosting skin agent, but it can also protect the integrity of other cells, especially blood vessels. This is why vitamin E is very important in the natural treatment of Raynaud’s, to make sure that the blood vessels are healthy so blood and oxygen can get through easily and efficiently. By eating things like avocados, nuts, seafood, and green leafy vegetables, you can guarantee your vitamin E levels are appropriately high. [8]
Vitamin C
Eating citrus fruits and other vitamin C-rich foods is a wonderful way to reduce the effects of Raynaud’s disease. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and an immune system stimulant, as well as being essential to hundreds of bodily functions, including the creation of new skin cells, the protection of vessels from damage, and the creation of collagen. [9]
Word of Caution: Although primary Raynaud’s is a disease that stands alone, the majority of Raynaud’s cases are secondary, meaning they are a symptom of another condition or problem, some of which could be quite serious. Be sure to check with a doctor to identify which type you are likely suffering from, and to make sure you are not facing any of the truly serious diseases that can also manifest in Raynaud’s phenomenon.